There is an ocean of secondary publications available on the work of Marcel Proust (1871-1922), especially his A La Recherche du Temps Perdu. So why add this website to them?
Simply, because over the past decades, many issues were overexposed while otherwise aspects were kept under the cornucopia of prudishness. We want to bring those into the light.
To properly appreciate the genius of Marcel Proust, his endless creativity, perseverance and resilience-he was sicker than he realized or wanted to realize himself.
Some of the of themes that will be covered:
- Doctor Marcel Proust
- The dynamics of a normal family
- Heckling on heckling
- Petite Madeleine, Proust Marcel
- Marcel, toxicomaniac?
- Development of psychiatry in France
- The RTP as a Möbius ring
- …